If you’re a senior considering moving in your later years, you aren’t alone. Many older people decide to transition, either to a smaller house or an assisted living community. If the thought of sifting through your belongings and packing them all up stresses you out, a senior moving specialist may be helpful. Daily Caring explains that a professional moving manager can assist with everything from planning the move to arranging shipping and storage of boxes.
Read on for tips for a seamless move, courtesy of Alder Terrace.
Figure Out What to do with Your House
Before scheduling a mover, you need to figure out what to do with your old home. If you are planning to leave it to children as an inheritance, you can make the transfer now. Alternatively, you can sell your property and use the money to fund your move. It continues to be a seller’s market, which can be advantageous to you especially if you would like to tuck it away for future senior care.
If you choose to sell, you’ll want to give your property a little TLC. Look at what is currently selling in your area, and make a few changes accordingly. It may be as simple as swapping out some old fixtures for newer ones, or adding a fresh coat of paint to the inside. Curb appeal is also a major factor in a home’s selling potential. If your lawn has seen greener days, work with a local landscaping company to get it healthy again. Likewise, if your trees haven’t been trimmed in years, now is the time. Look online for a local company providing tree trimming services and read through their reviews. Good tree trimmers are a little more expensive, but it is worth the upgrade. Fallen branches or trees that fall the wrong way can do substantial damage to your property. That’s not a risk you should be willing to take.
Plan Your Move in Advance
Once you know what to do with your old home, you can start looking towards the future and planning your move. Note that some senior moving services can help you with these logistics. In case you’re going it on your own, The Spruce offers a comprehensive guide to organizing and preparing a household move. They note that you also need to consider your budget when moving, accounting for the costs of everything from movers to packing supplies. Advanced planning can help minimize expenses.
Get Help with Decluttering
Cleaning and decluttering is one of the major steps of preparing for a home sale. There’s no point in packing boxes full of things you no longer want or need. It’s logical to declutter your home and pare down your belongings before moving. Identify what you no longer need and then either throw out, sell, or give away these items.
Senior moving services can help on this point as well. Decluttering on your own can be tough. Senior Safety Advice points out that it can be emotionally difficult to detach from items with sentimental value, for example. It’s helpful to have a professional assist you in the process and take care of the tedious tasks, like getting unwanted items donated or putting little-used goods into storage.
Leave the Packing to Someone Else
The actual act of packing boxes can also be challenging, especially for seniors who are experiencing mobility issues. Again, senior moving professionals can take this job off your hands. Real Simple provides a moving checklist that can help you streamline the process as you collaborate with your moving support professional. For example, they note the importance of carefully labeling boxes to avoid mixups. It’s best to label them according to which room they go to, since the movers can then simply put them in that room upon arrival.
Alleviate Moving-Related Stress with Help from Compassionate Professionals
Getting support from a professional simply makes moving less stressful. Senior movers are driven by compassion and a desire to help, which can make the moving process much easier for elderly individuals. Knowing you have someone you can count on is invaluable in this transition period. Life Storage Blog provides tips for identifying early signs of stress, like irritability or insomnia. If you’re experiencing such symptoms, alleviate the burden by hiring a senior mover.
Moving as you get older poses unique challenges. However, you don’t have to go it alone. Start by deciding how to manage your current home, and what services you’ll need if you choose to sell. Then find the right helpers to prevent you from getting overwhelmed by the process. Moving can be an exciting opportunity, so don’t let the stresses overwhelm you in the process.
If you or your senior loved one is looking to move into a community that offers care while allowing residents to maintain their independence, consider Alder Terrace. Our experienced staff and customizable options will give your senior loved one the support and care they need.